Nordguard Book 1: Across Thin Ice is a comic book that tells a harrowing tale of survival, camaraderie and mystery set in the Alaskan tundra circa 1903. It’s got everything. Memorable characters, solid art, an interesting setting. If you love comics you should really read this one. The first time I read it, I gripped the book close to my chest, trying… failing to hide it behind my bag. Inside was a brilliant rendition of a frozen lake, sunlight peaking over majestic, snow capped mountains to reflect on its pristine
Read MorePosted On November 1, 2014By Drew FranzblauIn Movies
John Wick is an action movie that would have been right at home twenty or thirty years ago. It’s a paper-thin revenge story about a retired hit man (Keanu Reaves) taking on the Russian mafia because they killed his puppy. That’s not a joke, it’s the real plot of the movie. The inciting incident of the film is that a Russian gangster (Alfie Allen) kills his puppy. It’s the kind of action film in which the story really only exists to justify the wanton violence on display and I can
Read MoreI’d been working for two weeks straight and it was my day off so I was a little apprehensive when my housemate suggested we go see a movie called Gone Girl. I was totally unaware of this movie, hadn’t seen any trailers. Somehow it was totally off my radar. “Gone Girl?” I thought, “Why are we going to see a chick flick?” Looking ahead at a day of playing Borderlands and not wearing pants, I thought that I may as well schedule some time to stretch my legs and
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