Ahhh summer, the time of year when new music blossoms just as the flowers do. Here are my Top 5 Artists to look out for this summer: Sia Sia isn’t exactly an unknown artist. She has written hit songs for artists such as Katy Perry, Rihanna and Beyonce. However, after the success of her featured vocals on hits such as Titanium and Wild Ones it is no surprise that she would attempt mainstream success herself. Recently, Sia released the lead single off her new album “Chandelier” which has already
Read MoreEveryone’s goal in life is to reach a point in which you know, for a fact, that you have fulfilled complete happiness. However, for many people, the road to happiness is not as easy as it simply sounds. We all go through rough patches. Some of us experience heart break, some of us experience the death of someone important to us, and some of us are insecure about who we are as people. The truth is, there are signs that signify you are on the road to happiness and if any
Read MoreThe internet is a wondrous place. You can literally find anything. Life as a young person is different from the life of any one else and I think these gifs establish that pretty clearly. 1. When you have to wake up before 10 am. 2. When you go to Starbucks at 10pm and it’s closed. 3. When you buy a new outfit from H&M and wear it out for the first time. 4. Pretty much. 5. After a long and tiring of day of doing nothing…but
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