Posted On October 11, 2014 By In Gallery, Miscellaneous, Ramblings

Why Corgis Just Win.











Corgis have been dog royalty for centuries (cough cough Queen Elizabeth has at least 3). But recently it seems like they are mainly  known as the dog darlings of the internet.  But they are amazing for many reasons…



They Are Resilient












They Are Always Ready To Play












They Know How To Chill













They Know How To Dance










Their Swan Dive is Pure Grace.











I Mean…










I can’t…

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The Bored Millennial is your pop culture guru, best friend and rude grandmother figure that has been missing from your daily life. She focuses on talking about the things that really matter... like entertainment. Besides the obvious - being a bored millennial - she lives in Los Angeles and is in search of finding the perfect corgi.