Posted On April 30, 2014 By In Girls, Manzone

#WCW: Caitlin Rice


-Caitlin Rice-

Twitter: @CaitlinRiceFit

Instagram: caitlinricefit

Known for: Being a really hot fitness nut with a zillion Instagram followers.

-Caitlin Rice might not be the most notable person we’ve featured in this space, but she might just have the best body of any lady to grace our #WCW feature. Caitlin is a gorgeous Canadian lady who hits the gym 1000x harder than you do. There’s something special about a girl with model-quality looks…who can still kick your ass. Caitlin is a fitness enthusiast who trains hard and will probably make you pretty hard be hard for you NOT to follow on Instagram. She is a queen of the #selfie and of…well, #datass. Here’s a preview of what you can expect on her amazingly popular Instagram account:






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