Posted On June 24, 2014 By In



BOSTON LEGAL – “Word Salad Days” – It’s a rough day in court for Alan Shore when he experiences an inexplicable case of “word salad” – a horrifying condition that causes him to speak unintelligible gibberish. To ease Shore’s anxiety, Denny Crane recommends that they enjoy a day at the spa. Meanwhile, Denise Bauer defends a polygamist whose wives believe their husband has done nothing wrong and are willing to fight for their beliefs. And Brad Chase defends his college buddy’s video game company, which is being sued by the mother of a boy who died after playing one of their games for two days straight, on “Boston Legal,” TUESDAY, MARCH 28 (10:00 -11:00 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/CARIN BAER)

Caitlyn Davis is a writer for Writtalin. A recent graduate of Sam Houston State University, she’s trying to start a career in editing and publishing. To get the bills paid, she works as an editor for a small time publication in Dallas, and in her free time likes to eat, write, and go on adventures with her recently acquired Blue Ferret (yes, there’s a story there). She has a small obsession with Harry Potter, a large Batman collection, and considers herself an amateur foodie with a love of red wine and craft beer.