Posted On June 26, 2014 By In

Jan Vinzenz Krause of the Institute for Condom Consultancy measures a prototype of a spray-on condom, in Singen, Germany


Jan Vinzenz Krause of the Institute for Condom Consultancy measures a prototype of a spray-on condom, in Singen December 5, 2006. Krause’s team are hoping to produce the perfect condom for men that’s suited to every size of penis. They are developing a type of spray can into which the man inserts his penis first. At the push of a button it is then coated in a rubber condom. Krause said the plan is to make the product ready for use in about five seconds. He said it would function more effectively as a contraceptive because it would fit better and not slip. He had hit upon the idea when considering the difficulties some people faced using condoms, and drew inspiration from spray-on plasters now used in medicine. REUTERS/Miro Kuzmanovic (GERMANY)


D.S. West is a writer of words and a maker of various un-pretty things from Longmont, Colorado. West’s collection of mediocre, poorly edited short stories I Don’t Belong Here! is ninety-nine cents on Amazon. You’re encouraged leave negative reviews. Keep your money though—think of it as a sand mandala.