Canadian Whisky. CHECK. Bitters. CHECK. Vermouth. CHECK. Finely milled sugar. Maraschino cherries. Oranges. CHECK, CHECK, CHECK. A lot goes into making a premium cocktail! It’s no secret that purchasing ingredients to craft a classic cocktail at home, especially for a crowd, can be time-consuming and expensive.
As classic cocktails continue to gain popularity, and both men and women gravitate towards expertly-crafted beverages, bottled cocktails are becoming a go-to option like never before due to the convenience they provide. Forgo the lengthy grocery list and reach for a bottled cocktail to enjoy a classic drink quickly and easily.
Knowing the holidays are just around the corner, we thought we’d share some information on a recently launched bottled cocktail offering that makes creating drinks at home simple and will be sure to impress your guests: the Old Fashioned and the Manhattan.
Studebaker Old Fashioned and STUDEBAKER Manhattan are masterfully blended and finished with select premium ingredients, including the finest Canadian whisky. Whether you’re entertaining at home this holiday season or simply searching for a no-fuss, delicious cocktail to enjoy on a Friday night, STUDEBAKER offers the convenience of wine or beer along with the sophistication of an expertly-crafted cocktail.
Tags : cocktails, drinks, Food and Drink, food and drink for men, food and drink for women, Holidays, Manzone, studebaker, whisky
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