Posted On June 12, 2014 By In

Cabecao the Turtle


A turtle named “Cabecao,” or Big Head, swims in a pool in Praia do Forte, Brazil, Tuesday, June 10, 2014. The turtle, Brazil’s answer to German octopus Paul who started the psychic animal craze during the 2010 World Cup, predicted Tuesday that the host nation will beat Croatia in the opening game of the World Cup on Thursday. (AP Photo/Lucio Tavora, Agencia A Tarde)

Renée Rapin is a writer for Writtalin. Renée is a UCSB grad and currently works as an event coordinator. She is a terrible speller and has an unhealthy obsession with dinosaurs, wine, and reading. In her spare time she enjoys people watching, sweating at the gym, and planning for book club. Hopefully you find her worldly observations as entertaining as she does. You can email Renée at: [email protected]