If you’re a functioning human being, you need to have a good LinkedIn profile. “But Writtalin, I love my job!” said no one ever, “I would never want to leave!” Not a valid excuse. At some point in your future, you’ll either need or want to begin the job search anew, and you’ll kick yourself for not keeping your profile up-to-date when you had the resources to do so. Now it just looks like you’ve been working at the same pizza restaurant that you delivered for in high school for
Read MoreI’m cold, you guys. OK. Yes. It’s warmer than it was last week but I’m still going to complain because it’s January and there is a lot of winter left on the horizon. If you’re in California and warm — but hopefully not on-fire warm — then you’re not invited to my circle of self-pity and I’m not talking to you. For the rest of us, here is a tasty, wintertime way to drink alcohol, so we don’t lose all will to live when it’s April and still snowing in
Read MoreApps come in all shapes and sizes, and most human beings stick with the usual collection: social media sites, games, music, and a small collection of actually useful tools which normally involve pretending to be an adult (“Stocks,” anyone?). There’s also that handful of apps that your friends have convinced you to download, claiming that they’ll change your life, but have since been exiled to that second page of apps that you always forget about. Cue Writtalin. These are the five apps that you may not have even known you
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