Last week, indie rock superstars Arcade Fire unveiled the music video for their song “We Exist.” Released May 16th, it is described by the band as “the story of a young person’s struggle with gender identity” and stars Andrew Garfield of Amazing Spider-Man and Social Network fame. Garfield is shown shaving his head, donning a wig and going out to a bar where he is victimized and beaten by the patrons before being resurrected at the band’s Coachella set. While intended as a shot of support for the trans community, the band
Read MorePosted On January 10, 2014By Sophie TahranIn Music, Shows
So the lineup for Coachella 2014 was released the other night (January 8), in case you haven’t checked your Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/texts/literally anywhere. In full disclosure, my own mother has been the first one to notify me of the lineup’s announcement for the past three years running. I’m hoping that’s more of a testament to my mom’s coolness than the amount of friends I have. But regardless of how you heard the news, the lineup is here, spreading like wildfire and launching endless opinionated posts about how good or bad it is.
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