My first semester of college, I worked at a chain coffee and bagel café. I have always affirmed that every person needs to work in food service at least once in their lifetime. It is difficult to express how exceptionally vital it is that people understand the toil behind where their services come from, and the crucial nature of treating workers with respect. I have also always held the belief that every person needs to work at least one “crappy job” in their life to fully understand the value of
Read MoreYour first day of work is a barrage of introductions to people that you will spend eight hours a day, five days a week with until you retire or leave. On your first day, here are the five people you will want to spend some extra time with, smile a little bigger with, and make a bigger impression upon. 1. The Janitor Ha ha, right? No. This is not a joke. The janitor is perhaps your most important new friend in the office. On your first day, your chaperone might
Read MoreIt sucks. Having a shitty boss is like surviving on rice cakes for the rest of your life. It’s outrageous! It’s unfair, ridiculous, and criminal. Maybe you’re on your 16th draft of a Pros and Cons of Quitting list, or maybe you’re resigned to the fact that your boss is as intelligent and useful as belly button lint–either way, try to see the bright side. Here are some invaluable life lessons you can learn during this time: 1. What Incompetence Looks Like Sort of like how being raised by
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