Wanderlust: (n.) The irresistible, incurable desire to travel. Don’t call me a psychic but I have a feeling in my being that there is somewhere in the world you are dying to explore. You daydream about it from your sad little cubicle. Perhaps your room is decorated with an excessive amount of maps. Maybe you want to plan an anniversary trip with your lover. “Help me, I’m poor,” you tell everyone. “I really want to travel somewhere faraway.” *Insert excessive crying* “…but I just don’t know how!” I am about to share a life-changing secret
Read MoreIt’s that time of year again, when all your hipster friends bring out their inner trust fund baby and venture to Indio, California for three days of sweat, dust, and ridiculous outfit choices. Remember your sweet friend Sally? Okay, maybe it was kind of strange that she didn’t wear shoes to school the other day, but you’re about to see a brand new side of her as she corrupts your feed with a horrific Instavideo of her dry-humping the desert floor…naked. On the bright side, Sally just got fired and
Read MoreIf you desperately need financial advice, there’s a good chance even the mention of money just caused you a minor heart attack. Even if you don’t desperately need financial advice, if you’re anything like me, there’s still a good chance your face is twitching because budgeting is always The Sucks. So before we begin, here’s some nice music, photos of beaches, and encouraging advice: Calm down, captain. YOU GOT THIS. Now. It’s business time. While I ain’t no Warren Buffett, I’d like to think I have some experience with saving
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