Posted On July 3, 2014By Basic BeccaIn Movies
I am one of those people that never picks up on movie references because a) I can’t memorize every line of a movie after I see it once and b) I have never been much of a movie person. The combination of living down the street from an awesome movie theatre with plush, reclining seats and needing a hobby that doesn’t involve drinking has left me with a desire to see more movies. Alas, here is the short and sweet list of movies I’m actually excited for that will be
Read MoreThe Hollywood Forever Cemetery may be known for its late-summer screenings and concerts among the dead, but tucked away in one of its many offices sits an unsung hero of the movie industry. Scott Johnson, proprietor of Scott’s Lookalikes – Hollywood’s premiere agency for actors who want to make a living resembling someone more famous, sits behind his desk (really, just a circular table in the conference room). The “office” is decorated with knock-off award statuettes and framed photos of his clients (I could swear one looks just like Jack
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