First dates Tag

In this generation, dinner dates are very rare now unless you are in a relationship with the person. But, for those who are still firm believers in ’em, join the club. I recently went on a date that was complete crap – all because of what the person was eating. He ordered large wings with tons of sauce and extra ranch on the side. As he bit into the wing, the sauce was in the corner of his mouth and on his upper lip.  He was sucking and licking hisRead More

Posted On June 11, 2014By Allyson DarlingIn Advice For Women, Dating For Women, Girlzone, Rants

The Dating Diaries: Don’ts

First dates cause my nerves to spin into a panic.   They saunter between fear and regret the moment I have left my home and begin wishing I were back in my sweat pants, back in my bed, watching some show about sex and a city that was created when I was graduating from 6th grade.  My future husband could be the pizza guy, right?  I had left work earlier than usual to allow myself time to shower and eat something, lest I enter the date hangry and ready to stab himRead More

Posted On March 5, 2014By Kelsey DarlingIn Dating For Men, Dating For Women, Manzone

First Date Mistakes

Consider this an incomplete list of things you should never do on a first date.   1. Oversharing Once I had a first date tell me about his fantasy role-playing shower games, where he would embark on a quest and do battle with the enemy. Oddly, we ended up dating (and I’m sure that says more about me than him), but you can see how that could be an issue, right?  If you can’t, you’re probably an oversharer.     2. Agreeing with everything your date says One of theRead More