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Posted On July 3, 2014By Erika SternIn Girlzone, Lifestyle

The Golden Rule: Is It Gold Forever?

In elementary school, your teachers always had a set of rules to tell you on the first day. “Don’t speak when I am speaking.” “Raise your hand.” Then, there was the “Golden Rule”- treat others how you want to be treated. We are told this throughout our lives in school, sports and even the workplace. But when does the rule stop applying? There’s different views to this “Golden Rule.” For example, should your enemies be treated how you want to be treated? We all wanted to be treated well, correct?Read More
Ever since blowing eighteen candles out on a perfectly frosted cake, we’ve all been in the limbo that is emerging adulthood. We may proudly parade around calling ourselves “adults,” when really, we are still discovering what adulthood truly entails. As we soon observe, being an adult means at heart, not in physicality. Sure, we may legally be over the age of eighteen and eligible to vote, but it takes a while for the mentality and maturity of to solidify firmly. These milestones of adulthood don’t all happen overnight. Ultimately, beingRead More

Posted On June 26, 2014By Karen HuaIn Lifestyle, Miscellaneous

Gray Areas: Why We Hate them All

Middle grounds and in-betweens—where boundaries are blurred, expectations are muddled, and nothing is really satisfied. Let’s start with the basics.   2% milk: it doesn’t have the creaminess of whole milk, but it isn’t the health conscious choice of skim milk. Diet soda: it’s ultimately still soda, and by default unhealthy. But it tries to compromise with a lower calorie count and a poser for sugar? B’s: the mutant hybrid between effort and indifference—the love child of half-heartedness. With just a step further in effort, there was the potential toRead More
There’s someone you love, who doesn’t care about you nearly as much as they should.   You’re sitting here, reading this, and suddenly a face pops into your head. You know who I’m talking about, even its only something you’ll admit when no one else is around. Even if this accusation about this person is something you’ll push to the back of your mind, squishing the thought with so much fortitude that it disintegrates, for a moment at least. But you know who that person is. There’s no escaping it.Read More
Distance will forever be the main problem in my life. I’m a searcher. By distancing myself from the familiar, the tsunami of transition leaves me with a flood of new opportunities. By driving away from the city, I can finally breathe. The stars are visible now that I’m away from the smog. When making a college decision, I chose one halfway across the country—a convenient 750 miles away. When the walls of my perfect suburban hometown became too small for my liking, I bolted for what I called a “biggerRead More
Every summer growing up, I escaped to camp in the woods, where my world transformed into a sky of glitter, aromas of marshmallows, and sun-kissed days of carefree fun. Camp was the one time I could forget about the stresses of “reality;” where I looked forward to waking up at 7AM, where I could belt silly songs and dress in costume every day with a community of others who did the same. Most of all, camp was where I met some of my lifelong friends, because truly, nothing bonds peopleRead More

Posted On May 25, 2014By Karen HuaIn Lifestyle, Miscellaneous

We All Have Amnesia

Today, my mum spontaneously called an old friend of hers from elementary school. When I was younger, our family and her’s would get together every summer. She had a daughter named Heather, who was my childhood penpal and faraway best friend. We used to call each other princesses when we discovered we could never become royalty. As we sat in mountains of strawberry bubbles while our mothers struggled to bathe us, we plotted ways to annoy them for the next day. We wore more matching outfits than typical twins probablyRead More

Posted On May 23, 2014By Shannon FolsomIn Girlzone, Lifestyle

Ex-Classmate Encounters: Questions to Avoid

Summer is here! For the college crew, that means a three month vacation at your parents’ house. For the post-college crew, that means a few visits to your hometown. For both groups, that means bumping into old classmates. And no matter how well you once knew your high school peers, that can be awkward. Let’s face it, small talk is inherently uncomfortable, but if you’re trying to avoid a little bit of pain, steer clear of these questions:   What are you doing after graduation? Talk about a conversation buzzkill.Read More
When I first entered the bar scene at the ripe age of 21, I was a nervous wreck. For one, I may have been 21, but I looked about 12 (or so I was harshly told) …so I had this unfounded paranoia that I just didn’t really belong and would subsequently be stuffed in trash cans or kicked out and have cheap liquor thrown in my face if I even attempted to order a drink. Furthermore, my only experience with alcohol up until that point had been whatever horrid concoctionsRead More
We all have things that we try to hold on to. Sometimes we do it because we think it’s what we are supposed to do. Sometimes we do it out of habit. Sometimes we do it out of fear.  What we don’t realize however, is that holding onto something that we are not meant to hold on to can potentially guide us from the course we should actually be taking in life. Holding on to things that we need to let go of can attach us to our past likeRead More
Boarding the flight you already have a good idea of your seat, hopefully you didn’t score the middle. But on a 747 there are not two middle seats, but 6 middle seats. Your chances are high. Find your seat and immediately make your first enemies in the battle for space in the overhead compartment for your carry-on. As the loser, you retreat further toward the back of the plane searching for space. Then, like a salmon swimming upstream, you fight the hoard of people back to your seat, and sit,Read More
If you have older AND younger siblings, you’ve undoubtedly heard time and again about the woes of being the ‘middle child.’ According to psychologists and parenting magazines, we middle kids are often lost in the mess of life between the excitement of the oldest children and the sentimentality connected with the ‘babies’ of the family. We supposedly get less attention, feel left out, and crave validation. You hear that, moms and dads? Life is hard out there for us middle kids. Although some of these things might be true, thoseRead More

Posted On April 24, 2014By Julie DonatoIn Miscellaneous

Top 10 Reasons to Work for Your College Newspaper

(As told by a two-term Editor-In-Chief at a college newspaper)   1. Do cool stuff for free ‘on assignment’ Want to see a concert, upcoming movie, play or art exhibit? Two words: press pass. Tons of places are looking for exposure and press, and if you contact them saying your publication wants to write a review or behind-the-scenes feature, you can probably check it out for free. Other opportunities include trade shows, political events, festivals, etc. Use this power wisely. 2. Feel really cool while you talk about the coolRead More

Posted On March 11, 2014By Allyson DarlingIn Advice For Men, Advice For Women, Girlzone

How to Be A Badass in 5 Steps

Sometimes we need a little pick-me-up.  Spring is approaching, and with weddings and reunions on the calendar, we will be reunited with friends we haven’t seen in awhile because we are done hibernating and the sun is out.  You’re going to be asked about your profession, your love life, and if you’ve signed up for any half-marathons.  Panic can present itself when we are thrown into these events after a winter of eating Girl Scout cookies and Tinder dates (not eating the dates…you know what I mean).  Here are five simple stepsRead More

Posted On February 19, 2014By Maggie NelsonIn Advice For Women, Girlzone

10 Girl Code Commandments

We have a code that we all need to take a look at and abide by, ladies. Here are some girl-code rules that are critically important to remember.   #1 – Dance like nobody’s watching No shame in the dance game! Maybe you are a disco queen or a fool on the dance floor, but who cares?! Whip out what you’ve got when your favorite jam comes on. #2 – Stop hatin’ on each other Women are jealous, catty humans to one another, but we must ban together! It isRead More