Whether you’ve dated for two years or two months, there is always a need to reestablish the bond with your girlfriend. So here are 5 things you can do to entice her at any moment… 5. Call Her Unexpectedly Yes, I’m saying CALL her. Not text. Reason? A phone call is so much more personal. It shows her that you want to hear her voice. Trust me, she will really appreciate that. She may be having a bad day and want to hear your voice anyway, so let her.
Read MoreGays are lucky. We don’t just get one BAE, we have numerous BAEs that together form our inner-BAE circle. We use them, in the best ways, to make our life complete and full of adventure, gossip, and wine. 1. Spontaneous BAE This is the BAE you don’t make plans with weeks in advance. They’re the early morning text message saying, “Wanna do something today?” and you go because you know that when the two of you are together there is never a dull moment. They’re the getting lost in
Read MoreI’ve been in my share of long-term relationships, short-term relationships, and FWB situations. Now, if you’re anything like me (and hopefully you are in this respect), you’re only trying to marry one lady ever. Accordingly, all of the other relationships with women in your life will end in a breakup. And while breaking up can suck, it’s definitely necessary, if the girl you’re with isn’t wifey material. So, here are ten signs that you need to ditch the bitch and find a better girl for you. After all, you have
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