girls Tag

What I am about to share with you is mind-blowing, potentially lifesaving, inside information. But I’m going to premise it with a well-known fact: Women are goddamn stalkers. Don’t chastise us for it. I’m pretty sure that having a borderline-obsessive curiosity about everyone around us is just in our nature. Reality television thrives off of our intrinsic love of gossip and drama. Women want to know what the eff is up with everyone else at all times. That includes celebrities, coworkers, friends, and basically every attractive guy within a 10,000Read More
Stephanie Smeltz is our CoverGirl for January 2014. This hottie from Colorado can melt the snow with just one look. She’ll add a little sizzle to your new year, too. Find out more about Stephanie below, see a little more of her on Instagram here, and follow her on Twitter here. If you find Stephanie as sexy as we do, why not get an EXCLUSIVE poster of her from the Writtalin Shop? If YOU would like to be our next CoverGirl, or know someone that would, check out our SubmissionsRead More