Girlzone Tag

Posted On May 28, 2014By Basic BeccaIn Girlzone, Lifestyle

Summertime Sadness

I have spent a majority of the past 8 months begging for summer to greet me with her sunshine and warm weather. I wanted needed shorts and sandals. I laid in bed beneath my down comforter in my fleece footie pajamas with my space heater cranked up wondering when the madness would end, wondering when I would enjoy walking outside again, wondering when it wouldn’t be necessary for me to have a parka accessible at all times. Alas, summer is here! But let’s not forget that every rose has its thorn,Read More

Posted On May 28, 2014By Alessandra MadridIn Advice For Women, Girlzone

Finding Your Soulmate

We spend most of our young adult life in search of our soulmates; that one person who will complete you like no one else will. Disney movies, Nicholas Sparks and the rest of the pop culture that surrounds us have made us believe that one fine day we will find them and our life will finally be whole. But, have you ever stopped to think that your soulmate might already be in your life? What if our soulmates are not that person who we have been forever dreaming about andRead More
When I was 22 months old, something incredible happened.  My sister-friend was born.  Though my little nugget brain didn’t realize it at the time, that chunky baby sister of mine was my soul-mate in the making.  In fact, it took some years before we realized we were faster, better, stronger together.  While growing up in southern California, we struggled with the concept of sharing…okay, I did.  Our rock bottom?  I grabbed her feet while she was sleeping.  Maybe it was our mutual love of Wilson Philips or maybe I just gotRead More
A while ago, after exchanging what I deemed an acceptable amount of messages with a guy on OKCupid, I gave him my number. A few rounds of witty banter later, he hit me with a question every guy, including my dad…okay, especially my dad…loves to ask at the first chance he gets: So why are you still single? I could get asked why I’m single every day until I’m no longer single (if and when that day ever comes), and it would still fill me with the same combination ofRead More
Recently, I was going through some less-than-Beyonce-fabulous feels. I felt jealousy towards certain individuals, low self-confidence, contempt for my outward appearance, and had a desire to disappear. In that moment, I felt poignantly alone. Naturally, I wanted to articulate these sentiments by singing some passionate musical theatre song alone in my bedroom (I promise I have friends, guys.) As I was scrolling through my 370-track-long Broadway playlist on Spotify (again, I SWEAR ON MY MOTHER’S GRAVE that I have friends), I realized that there were zero songs about simply feelingRead More

Posted On May 26, 2014By Samantha PerryIn Girlzone, Men

#MCM: Colin Wayne

-Colin Wayne-   Facebook: Twitter: @ColinWayne1 Instagram: colinwayne1 Vine:   Colin Wayne has found his way to be my crush this Monday, and taking one look at the 6’2 green eyed hunk of delicious you can see why. “Train insane or stay the same” is the motto of the military-man-turned-body-builder and fitness model. Growing up he played a wide variety of sports (football, baseball, basketball, soccer), and in high school his interest was joining the military after graduation. He started off with the JROTC (Junior Reserve Officer TrainingRead More
No one really told us what adulthood would be like when it came time to face the music. If they did, maybe I envisioned it differently, or I just wasn’t paying attention because I was too busy dreaming about my Carrie Bradshaw closet. My friends will be the first to tell you that I believe aging is a gift and I love getting older, but at the same time, being an adult can be really annoying and lame too. But, in order to get where you want to be inRead More

Posted On May 25, 2014By Ashley KichtaIn Advice For Men, Advice For Women, Girlzone

Twenty-Something and Clueless

There is nothing wrong with being in your twenties and having absolutely no idea what you want to do with your life. It is not a race, and there is no time limit to decide on what you are going to do. This is the point in your life where you can experiment, chase your dreams, and try new things. You are young enough to try something, hate it, and start all over again. Sometimes the only way to know what it is that you like, is to determine whatRead More
  1. You sort of catch on that the guy you’ve been talking to might have feelings for you, and that freaks you out. 2. Like, you’re filled with a combination of confusion and inexplicable dread. The type of inexplicable dread that just weighs on you, paralyzes you. 3. Being physically intimate with someone is easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy. “This guy is going to see me naked? Who gives a fuck?” But if he asks you about your goals, or fears, or god forbid, what you want out of this relationship, your mouth seals shutRead More
I love to travel, especially in the summer when it feels like all I should be doing is having fun, laying by the pool, and reading. Unfortunately, now that I’ve graduated and my dear mother isn’t paying my bills anymore, a whole lot of travel during the summer isn’t feasible. Yes, of course I’ll go on a couple small weekend trips, but it will be nothing compared to the month I spent in Switzerland two summers ago (although it will be infinitely better than the two months I spent inRead More

Posted On May 24, 2014By Karen HuaIn Girlzone, Lifestyle

Wait, So I Have to be an Adult Now?

The moment I turned 18, I threw myself a VIP-access, glitz and glamour, dance party extravaganza…because technically, I no longer had to call myself a teenager. I had finally emerged from adolescence alive. I felt like Batman because I had clawed my way out Bane’s inescapable pit. I wholeheartedly believed that the rest of my life was waiting with a bigger and better everything. I simply couldn’t wait to hop on a plane with my dream in my cardigan, and never look back. Simply being an adult empowers me toRead More

Posted On May 24, 2014By Victoria WilmothIn Fashion For Women, Girlzone

In-Store Retail is Going Down, Down Baby

It’s no surprise that retail has plummeted the past few years. The economy, alone, has been an utter disaster. Consumers are strictly looking for the best deals and why not? E-commerce has changed the way people shop dramatically. You can buy goods from across the world with free shipping, better prices, superior quality, and in bulk. For example, in my last internship I helped my boss style her outfits for New York Fashion Week (NYFW). By shopping online, I saved her over $500. It’s all about keywords and knowing whatRead More

Posted On May 23, 2014By Shannon FolsomIn Girlzone, Lifestyle

Ex-Classmate Encounters: Questions to Avoid

Summer is here! For the college crew, that means a three month vacation at your parents’ house. For the post-college crew, that means a few visits to your hometown. For both groups, that means bumping into old classmates. And no matter how well you once knew your high school peers, that can be awkward. Let’s face it, small talk is inherently uncomfortable, but if you’re trying to avoid a little bit of pain, steer clear of these questions:   What are you doing after graduation? Talk about a conversation buzzkill.Read More

Posted On May 23, 2014By Allyson DarlingIn Dating For Women, Girlzone

The Dating Diaries: Part 1

I woke up the other morning, in company of a stray popcorn kernel (I get rowdy on Friday nights) and it dawned on me, suddenly.  I can’t remember the last time I cried, minus that Saturday night I didn’t get a bacon wrapped hotdog and I was starving.   I do feel disappointed that I let myself suffer in a relationship that was no longer serving me, but I’m not heart broken any longer. I mostly feel relieved that I don’t have to have sexual intercourse like a married forty yearRead More
I’m getting to the point of my life where I slowly think I have everything figured out. Every day I learn something new about my past or my present and I create mental lists of what to keep note of, what to never do again, or what to make sure I do next time. Since I am a hopeless romantic and a deep-thinker when it comes to life, here are 50 things I have learned:   1. Everybody turns out to be who they said they wouldn’t be 2. HighRead More