Girlzone Tag

Posted On November 10, 2014By Kelli JohnsonIn Advice For Men, Advice For Women, Girlzone, Lifestyle

The Pursuit of Complacency

I was four-years-old when I came to the realization that I couldn’t read. Of course, at that point, I never could read, but it was at this age that I became acutely aware that I couldn’t read and that everyone else could. My mom could. My dad could. My eleven-year-old sister could. It was basically all the guy on Reading Rainbow could talk about… Why couldn’t I? So I did what any four-year-old would do and I asked my mom, “When will I know how to read?” My mom wasn’t entirelyRead More
1. Go to a random concert – Concerts are great because you’ll actually be doing something after work, other than sitting on the couch with a box of Cheez-Its. And the upside is that usually the shows will let out at a fairly reasonable hour, either because they know nobody’s trying to turn up until 2am on a Tuesday (except you, Makonnen), or because of neighborhood noise laws, IDK. Unless you plan on going to a rap concert in which case, you’re basically going to be out until you haveRead More
It was my second date with a guy who I had met on Tumblr. You read that correctly; we did not meet on Tinder, a pseudo-dating app designed to facilitate smash sessions between willing parties, but on Tumblr, a blogging site that I used almost exclusively to reblog pictures of Batman , rappers, and cute animals. Was meeting someone I’d met off the internet, and not even a dating website, the sketchiest thing I’d done up until that point? Not even close. Besides, he was really cute (at least fromRead More

Posted On October 31, 2014By Payal MajithiaIn Dating For Women, Girlzone, Lifestyle

Confessions of a Serial Monogamist

I can easily admit that I can be seen as one of those girls who are serial, monogamous daters. Jumping from one relationship to another, and in between relationships, consistently getting my heart wound up by different men. I wear my heart on my sleeve: pretty words, tender compliments, and promises of longevity and a future together have always been my kryptonite. Everything was just easier when I had someone with me. Someone loving me, telling me how important we were to each other, and then eventually leading to aRead More
Billy Joe Armstrong, the singer of Green Day, wrote the song “Waiting” and the title identifies some of the lyrics (feel free to continue singing along). As a young teenager, this song did not have much meaning other than it was a cool song written by my favorite band (at the time). However, as I have grown throughout high school and now, as a senior in college graduating in May, I definitely have a different perspective on this song. When I first entered college, I had no idea that timeRead More

Posted On October 28, 2014By Allyson DarlingIn Dating For Women, Girlzone, Lifestyle

Why We Break up

It was eighty-four degrees in San Francisco and I was riding the bus after concurrently confessing my love and breaking up with a boy I had been dating.  On our first date I told him that my brother had brain cancer.  I had just discovered the fact myself and wasn’t sure what the protocol was for these things in regard to first dates. Was it a sit-at-home-and-panic or an attend-with-pocketed-Xanax sort of situation? The idea of distraction and a lovely, little pill that allowed me to abandon anxiety for fourRead More
There’s nothing like a nice cocktail after a long day. There are hundreds of cocktail recipes out there, classics like Cosmos and Old Fashioneds, and then more obscure cocktails, like the ones below. Let’s be honest, not everyone keeps bitters on hand. We’re not all born bartenders. These cocktails are more practical, more convenient. Here are the essential cocktail recipes for everyday life. The Bad Day What You’ll Need: Vodka, anger, a desperate desire to numb it all. Directions: Pour vodka directly into your throat. Wince. Ask yourself if youRead More
Sometimes being short is not a big deal (ha, that pun wasn’t intended). But I’ll level with you–90% of the time it’s really annoying. Also, that pun was intended. Here’s some of the most annoying parts of being short. I couldn’t think of a pun that time.   1. That awkward moment when you can’t fully see over the steering wheel and you realize you’re basically those old ladies driving like with their hands at eye-level…   2. …And the subsequent awkward moment when you have to buy a seatRead More

Posted On October 23, 2014By Elin Van AttaIn Advice For Men, Advice For Women, Girlzone

10 Things You Should Do Every Day

1.  Make your bed. Good morning and congratulations!  You woke up again, and you only pressed snooze twice! Ever heard of the expression, “Messy bed, messy head?”  For me, this simple saying makes all the sense.  The mindless act of putting your bed together sets the tone for a productive, calm day.  It just does.  Prepare a fresh start to the day by respecting your space.  And floss your teeth while you’re at it.  People forget to do that.   2.  Smile at strangers. I once heard a wise manRead More

Posted On October 21, 2014By Payal MajithiaIn Girlzone, Issues, Lifestyle, Opinion

I Am A Feminist And It Repels Men

When it comes to questioning gender roles and the social constructs created by society, I have always felt that it creates some rift and controversy between people. Many individuals have their own opinions on race, gender, and popular culture, although I feel that the majority of people prefer to lace their viewpoints with what society deems as “right” or “normal”. I believe that everything, especially gender and race, is a very fluid and wide spectrum of ideals and options. I’m part of a program called Gender Studies, which can isRead More

Posted On October 20, 2014By Kelsey DarlingIn Dating For Women, Girlzone

If You Say So, Cupid

My feelings about online dating are very unserious.  That’s why I chose OkCupid.  No one is searching for their eternal companion there, unless their standards are limbo-dance low.  It’s no eHarmony with commercials of middle-aged couples finding happiness  together through the internet.  This website doesn’t have commercials because the users just go Ehhh…okay, Cupid, fine, I’ll give online dating a try. My labors were not extensive and my profile was playful, but brief.  Still, I have found great success thanks to Cupid and my inability to say no.  These areRead More

Posted On October 20, 2014By Allyson DarlingIn Advice For Women, Girlzone

A Letter to my Uterus

Dear Uterus, We’ve had a tumultuous thirteen-year reign. I didn’t know you existed until I was marred by the woes of your lining shedding that made me wish I had a penis post-sixth grade graduation. We both know it’s unoriginal for a woman to rant about her period blood and this stigma is especially evident in the same world I whine about upper management at my company being men. So dear Uterus, I hope you appreciate the hypocrisy I am engaging in to pursue this letter to you. Thank you forRead More
My life is hard, okay? 1. I was starving but there was nothing in my fridge that I actually wanted to eat. 2. I really had to pee but was too lazy to get up. 3. Photoshop caused all the programs I was running to move too fucking slow. 4. They were doing construction for the 17 billionth time on the one road I take to work (seriously, at this point just let it be), making me at least 10 minutes later than I might have been otherwise. 5. TheRead More
In high school, my business teacher and now close companion taught me to never dress down. She is one of the most fashionable and beautiful people I have ever met. She would say, “You never know who you’re going to meet,” and I took those words to heart. People always ask me why I dress up every day for class or even on lazy Sundays. The truth is, I love wearing old sweatshirts and baggy pants just as much as the next person; I just know you can get moreRead More
In this generation, dinner dates are very rare now unless you are in a relationship with the person. But, for those who are still firm believers in ’em, join the club. I recently went on a date that was complete crap – all because of what the person was eating. He ordered large wings with tons of sauce and extra ranch on the side. As he bit into the wing, the sauce was in the corner of his mouth and on his upper lip.  He was sucking and licking hisRead More