Unless you’re under 21 years of age or planning on spending your Halloweekend with a Ouija board in a graveyard, the odds are good that the only spirits you’ll be around are those of the alcoholic variety. Let’s be honest – Halloween isn’t your average night, especially when it falls on a Friday. So why drink ordinary beverages for the occasion? Well, you shouldn’t! Fortunately, Captain Morgan has teamed up with Vermont’s Owl’s Brew – the first company to brew tea exclusively for use in cocktails – to create some truly
Read MoreWith every year you get older, don’t you miss the magic of Halloween just a little bit more? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love partying as much as the next guy, and Halloween is one of my favorite holidays to get a little bit weird. But you know what I mean. When you’re young, Halloween is exciting for many other reasons. When you’re young and naive and have no fucking idea how the world works, Halloween is a legitimately magical holiday. The spooky stuff – ghosts and monsters
Read MoreEvery year, I seem to find myself scrambling for a Halloween costume idea and execution a few days before the holiday. Throughout the year, I come up with many different ideas I think would make an impressive costume, but then I completely forget about them. Then I end up dressing as something very lame. It’s like when I used to walk into a video store and completely forget about the 100 films I’d intermittently put on my must-see list, and settle instead for renting Varsity Blues for the 80th time.
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