You’ve seen it everywhere lately. Unless you’ve been hiding under an incredibly immense boulder, you’re aware what’s going on in Ferguson, Missouri. You’re aware what’s going on in New York City. You’re aware that widespread protests, riots, and general civil unrest are permeating the streets of American cities and towns from coast to coast. You know the material facts – that two unarmed black men are dead, killed by police officers. You know that there are two sides to the issue – one side defending the police officers’ actions as
Read More 1. Watching your coffee pot fill up in the morning is so beautiful it moves you to tears (it’s the miracle of life) 2. You wouldn’t wish decaf on your worst enemy. 3. There is a special place in hell for people who try and lecture you on “the dangers of caffeine.” 4. You want to punch anyone who drinks lattes, caramel macchiatos, or anything of that sort and has the AUDACITY to call it coffee. 5. You will always sacrifice a couple extra minutes of sleep to make
Read MoreBefore you have a rage stroke, that’s not just another clickbait headline. It’s true and I’ll tell you why. First, let’s back up and take a moment to bask in the majesty of the Internet. In terms of sheer size, scope, and overall effect on humanity, it’s a pretty sweet invention–maybe even one of the most important inventions of all human history. (Obviously, the #1 most important will always be melted cheese.) Almost everything in the developed world has been revolutionized by and now depends on the internet: shopping, university
Read MoreAs you may have heard, yesterday Bill Nye the Science Guy (a man of many talents) participated in a debate about evolution yesterday against Ken Ham, a well-known Young Earth creationist (more on what that is in a minute). Now, this article isn’t going to rehash the points discussed or decide on a victor. You can watch for yourself, and of course I’m going to say that I think you should. Instead, I’m going to talk about why having these debates is so important. Some of you are probably wondering why
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