I decided to do a simple recipe with Jeremiah Weed”s Sarsaparilla variant because it was sweet and tasted almost like root beer to me. The recipe is pretty simple and you”ll never be able to tell casino online there casino online are 2 shots of alcohol in there! Jeremiah Weed Sarsaparilla Whiskey – 2 shots 1/4 bottle of alcohol casino online free ginger beer Splash of lemon lime soda Splash of pomegranate juice Juice of 1/2 lime Bunch Mint Shake and pour over ice! The flavor is pretty sweet and could
Read MoreJeremiah Weed whiskey is a bourbon-based whiskey that is manufactured in Connecticut займы без отказа онлайн. They”re doing a T-Shirt design contest where they invited Writtalin”s Editor in Chief, Ascher, to participate, but due to his lack of creative prowess, I decided to take the reins. After receiving the whiskey variants from Jeremiah Weed, the T-Shirt competition had officially begun. They sent me three variants including their Sarsparilla, casino online Spiced Whiskey, and Cinnamon. Of course in order to let loose the creative juices, drinking is required…. Responsibly? That”s debatable. So as
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