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Posted On January 14, 2014By Ascher RobbinsIn Miscellaneous

The Incomparable Beauty of Today

It’s been a rough week. Not the roughest I’ve ever had, and lord knows there will probably, unfortunately be rougher ones in the future, but it has been a difficult week nonetheless. There are times in life when we are harshly reminded of the fragility, the absolute ephemerality of this existence we so often take for granted, and we are jolted into the recognizance of our own mortality. It’s jarring really. It’s never expected, it’s impossible to prepare for, it’s never easier no matter how many times it happens: whenRead More

Posted On January 13, 2014By StaffIn Advice For Women, Girlzone, Miscellaneous

Finding Happiness

The search for happiness: a highly sought-after feeling. A common goal for millions of people spanning across every culture, gender, religion, age, and tax bracket. Aside from those who spend a lifetime attaining power, money and fame, what most people want most in life is to be HAPPY. Many of us see a therapist to fulfill that need, some of us may even take a pill to drown out the bad feelings and replace them with what we assume is “happiness.” I’m never too proud to admit that I’ve experiencedRead More

Posted On January 4, 2014By John O'NeillIn Lifestyle, Miscellaneous, Rants

Love yourself, and Take a Picture

This is a poem I wrote about selfies:   Think twice Smile nice Or pay the price Of your ugly selfie vice   We live in the ultimate culture of narcissism. Us twenty-somethings love ourselves more than any generation before. Ever since the first smartphone maker manufactured the first reversible camera, we’ve been obsessed with ourselves: seeking self-validated self-esteem gained from a self-taken picture of oneself has manifested in the onslaught of obnoxious selfies and selfie behavior. Surely, you’ve seen it. The airport is one popular spot. Right in frontRead More
So, on December 31st of every year, I make a list of things I intend to do differently in the upcoming year.  What I almost never do (besides actually maintaining my resolution), though, is determine a plan of attack for each new goal.  So here it goes, the New Year Resolution: demystified.  Oh, and if you have any additional suggestions  for how I can go about successfully accomplishing the feats listed here, feel free to tweet me at @femmedroid5000 or email me at [email protected].  Getting the strong and sexy bodyRead More

Posted On January 2, 2014By Ascher RobbinsIn Advice For Men, Manzone

Five Manly New Years Resolutions

I get it bros. Most of us think we’re the most badass dudes in the world and that the only thing we need to change about ourselves is the car we drive or the money in our bank account. But no matter who you are, there is always room for improvement. Here are five easy, productive changes for men to make in 2014. Get it done.   #5 – Be a Fucking Gentleman Too many dudes these days don’t care enough about chivalry. No, you don’t need to give theRead More
What I am about to share with you is mind-blowing, potentially lifesaving, inside information. But I’m going to premise it with a well-known fact: Women are goddamn stalkers. Don’t chastise us for it. I’m pretty sure that having a borderline-obsessive curiosity about everyone around us is just in our nature. Reality television thrives off of our intrinsic love of gossip and drama. Women want to know what the eff is up with everyone else at all times. That includes celebrities, coworkers, friends, and basically every attractive guy within a 10,000Read More

Posted On December 31, 2013By Shannon FolsomIn Advice For Women, Girlzone

A Practical Guide to Happiness

With the New Year approaching, I’ve noticed an uptick in the number of self-help articles appearing on my Facebook Timeline. I wish I could say that I’m not the type of person to get suckered into reading them all, but I am, because I’m a girl and we love to read that crap. Here’s what I’ve noticed, though—Most of these articles focus on attaining peace and happiness through meditation, weight loss, shopping, and spiritual outings. They feature photos of upbeat-looking women doing yoga, shopping, climbing mountains, eating vegetables and runningRead More