More than just YOLO, or fuck bitches, get money, here are some rap lines that I’m currently using as my personal mantras, and why you should too. 1. These hoes ain’t loyal (Chris Brown & Lil Wayne, “These Hoes Ain’t Loyal”)– Life isn’t fair, and a lot of the time people won’t treat you the way you treat them. That’s cause these hoes ain’t loyal. Please note, the term ho is not gender specific and both men and women (and non-binary people) can all have ho-ish tendencies. That’s why the sooner you
Read More1. A$AP Ferg, Lac Lac: “A$AP, the vision’s so clear / I can see you haters from here / Can’t knock me outta my chair / My flow you won’t come near” Really I could have stopped at A$AP the vision’s so clear, because like wtf that sounds like a bad line from a fight song. “Harris Hall, the vision’s so clear.” And the rest doesn’t really warrant an analysis because it’s just lame. Straight-up lame. 2. Big K.R.I.T., “What You Know About It”: Suicide doors, Cobaine on ’em.
Read MoreR. Kelly just released an album titled simply and tastefully titled “Black Panties” – yet again proving there are things in this world that only R. Kelly is allowed to do. His latest work of lyricism isn’t music for the family so much as it is music for making a family. With songs like “Crazy Sex,” Kelly ensures the making of many, many more seasons of Teen Mom on MTV. “Black Panties” is 17 continuous tracks of rousing sexuality that will pin you to the bed – or, as the
Read MoreEach year, music artists throw a few top-notch lyrics our way. Barenaked Ladies gave us, “Chickity China the Chinese chicken”, L.F.O. let us know that Chinese food makes them sick, and Will.I.Am told us to, “Tell a jealous chicken [he] don’t know what the beef is”. Here are some of this year’s gems: 1. “I wanna f*ck you hard on the sink/ After that give you something to drink/ Step back can’t get spunk on the mink” –Kanye West’s “Bound 2” Good call, Kanye. Good call. 2. “And you mad
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