The other day while I was laying in bed with a bowl of coffee, my favorite KTLA news reporter said something that semi-grabbed my attention. She said, “blah blah blah professional eater blah blah blah.” Professional eater? My eyes had been opened and it wasn’t the coffee this time. If there was a job title like that out there in the open, what else was there? As someone who is clearly looking for another job, I had to investigate further. Listed below are ten of the least talked about jobs in the
Read MoreSo I walk into a party with a friend the other weekend, and I’m excited because it is allegedly going to be rife with people in New York City whom I do not know but who are, according to my friend, totally my kind of people. (Not sure what this means, exactly, but I go with it). Some of them might be dudes who I befriend and introduce me to girls they think would be a good match for me, ultimately resulting in my wedded bliss. Or they might just be
Read MoreRecent events have inspired me to web wander into the atrocious abyss that is OkCupid and create a profile. Recent events include but are not limited to: being the third wheel to friends and their brunch dates, realizing my sexual activity rate (0%), and watching my relatives celebrate the legalization of gay marriage in this state because they think I am a lesbian. Browsing, messaging and, essentially, applying on OkCupid is a combined concoction of a depletion of one’s soul and visionless hope. It is like applying for your dream job
Read More College football will be back in one month, and along with all of the best people in the world, I am ecstatic! I went to Baylor and have a near and dear place in my heart for the Big XII. I am also a straight, human woman and have a near and dear place in my heart for exceptionally hot men (I’m talking to you Kliff). I now invite you to take a journey with me through the coaches of the Big XII from the uggos to the only football
Read MorePosted On July 28, 2014By Maggie NelsonIn Girlzone, Men
-Rajiv Dhall- Twitter: @jivdude Instagram: jivdude Vine: Rajiv Dhall Known most for: His amazing voice and irresistible smirk. -Rajiv is an adorable hottie that first came to my attention when I saw him on Vine. Watch his little 6 second clips of him singing and you will fall in love. He is also the lead singer of a band called TwentyForSeven. I would let him serenade me all night; I mean, who can resist a dude with a guitar? Here’s a better look below, so enjoy!
Read MoreFirst dates are like interviews. At least in my experience. Every halfway decent one I’ve ever been on is a volley of questions, as if both parties are reporters and the person across the table is his or her subject. Except instead of writing about them, both people are tasked with trying to decide whether this person has enough potential to be included in future plans – whether that is a second date, a night of wild sex, and/or everlasting love. But in my experience, these questions have been mostly
Read MoreAs we grow up, reading seems like the biggest chore. I remember dreading my book reports and book assignments, but it’s something that never goes away. Whether it’s for leisure or for requirement, reading is probably the most attractive thing a girl can do. Yeah yeah, I know you think that’s hard to believe but here’s why… The Brains Reading makes you smart. Despite all those magazine ads and commercials, boobs and ass out aren’t the only things men find attractive, even though it’s probably the first thing they’ll
Read MorePosted On July 21, 2014By Maggie NelsonIn Girlzone, Men
Mondays are never fun, but man crush Monday is always the cure! -Sterling Brim- Twitter: @SteeloBrim Instagram: SteeloBrim Known most for: Co-hosting on the MTV show Ridiculousness -Sterling is from Chicago, IL and you have probably seen him as Rob Dydrek’s right hand man on the show Ridiculousness, where they play funny and embarrassing clips from the Internet. He’s got an adorable smile and has some swag to go along with it. He gets to hang out at the Fantasy Factory so his life must be pretty fun. Check out
Read MoreIn my high school, band kids were nerdy. We were great at what we did, winning marching and concert contests every year, but we were nerdy. We stuck in our own little cliques, formed in 5th and 6th grade when we chose our instruments and started out, and still today I feel like I am connected to the people I met through band, at least in some way. I still follow them on facebook, and several of them, my closest friends, I still see and talk to on a regular
Read MoreI recently read an article on Thought Catalog entitled “25 men discuss the difference between the girl they want to date and the girl they want to hook up with.” Now. I mean this as no discredit to the author, because she simply posed the question on the website Reddit and recorded twenty-five of the responses. To her credit, it is an interesting concept in essence. The subject alone has the potential to become a really provocative peek into the so called “toxic hook up culture” and get an interesting conversation started.
Read MoreIf you’re a dude, then premature ejaculation has probably been a problem for you at some point in your life. If it hasn’t been, bully for you, I guess, you triumphant and lucky bastard. I used to have mad premature ejaculation problems. (And I’m perpetually looking over my shoulder, for fear that my three-pump-dump tendencies will return with a vengeance.) There were times in my high school and early college days when I would occasionally avoid sexual encounters with women because I was so frightened of completely embarrassing myself. This
Read MoreRelationships succeed when each party gives their all, so if you want to be treated like royalty, start treating your partner the same way. It’s the golden rule, essentially. “Treat Others The Way You Wish To Be Treated.” If you stop treating your relationship in terms of what YOU want and what YOU’RE getting, and instead give everything to make your partner happy, chances are (if you’ve got a good one) they’ll do the exact same thing for you. As you read through this list, it won’t seem like
Read MoreAdam Carolla The Ace Man is the most practical person I’ve ever heard speak. Adam is a broadcaster, comedian, father, husband, and life veteran. He is a champion for extreme common sense. If you haven’t seen his movie, The Hammer, check it out. I got into him when he did Love Line back in the day with Dr. Drew and if you didn’t know, they do a new podcast together called The Adam and Dr. Drew Show… basically Love Line Part 2 but better because it’s more of their opinions
Read MoreEver since blowing eighteen candles out on a perfectly frosted cake, we’ve all been in the limbo that is emerging adulthood. We may proudly parade around calling ourselves “adults,” when really, we are still discovering what adulthood truly entails. As we soon observe, being an adult means at heart, not in physicality. Sure, we may legally be over the age of eighteen and eligible to vote, but it takes a while for the mentality and maturity of to solidify firmly. These milestones of adulthood don’t all happen overnight. Ultimately, being
Read MoreThe other day at my nerdy retail job, I was once again reminded that I don’t get paid enough when a middle-aged stranger (as he was purchasing Playboy and a bar of Godiva chocolate) licked his lips and said, “You should call me. I could look into those big, beautiful eyes all night. Are you Persian?” Good lord. It’s no secret that my workplace breeds the occasional overly-flirtatious man. Perhaps it’s some sort of power-trip that guys need to ride in order to feel masculine, or maybe it’s because we sell The
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