Alright dudes, listen up. If you’re older than a college freshman and not in a fraternity, then it’s time you man the hell up and stop drinking Keystone Light, Natty Ice, and PBR. Actually, let’s go a step past that: start having some damn class – no more Bud Light, Coors Light, or Corona either. Get into microbrews, get into imports, and start acting like a cultured MAN instead of some frat dudebro who thinks drinking Corona is getting classy. It isn’t and it never will be. BUT, just because
Read MoreI would like prelude this piece with a little disclaimer: this author was enjoying a delicious beverage (or 3…) in the form of water, malts, grains, hops, and yeast as this article was written so I strongly encourage you, the reader, to do the same as you read… Beer is a glorious entity. From the time of construction of the Great Pyramids of Egypt to the infamous days of American Prohibition, beer has been a marquee aspect in the world’s history. The indulgence of beer has been documented as a
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