Mila Kunis Tag

At the bottom of this page, below my words, are a few boxes with an image and one catchy headline – we’ll call it a hook. Most of them take you off this site 🙁 But where do they take you? I beefed up my spam filters, scrolled on down to some of the most popular internet leisure-reading articles and clicked. I did it for you, Writtalin reader. Check out these complete bullshit, waste of time, addicting but deceptive headlines and hooks, and what they actually mean.   Get LaidRead More

Posted On April 22, 2014By Ascher RobbinsIn Girls, Manzone

Wifeable Celebrities: A New Hope

It’s been a rough two years, boys and girls. You see, I finally found out that these girls I loved didn’t love me back, after all. It was a slow, painful realization that the objects of my affection wanted to commit themselves to other men instead of me. Tragic. Yup, in the last two trips ’round the sun, I had to face facts and realize that I would never marry Natalie Portman, Keira Knightley, or Mila Kunis. It was brutal. First, Natalie – the epitome of class and poise –Read More