Scottish rock instrumentalists Mogwai – a group that I reviewed a few months ago – are back with an EP to follow up their 2014 Rave Tapes album. The 6-track EP, titled Music Industry 3 Fitness Industry 1 features three new songs recorded during the Rave Tapes sessions, and three remixes of album tracks. The EP has spawned the single “Teenage Exorcists,” one of the bands most catchy and ambitious vocal tracks to date. Music Industry 3 Fitness Industry 1 is available on iTunes here, but first, take a listen to the single on SoundCloud,
Read MorePosted On May 25, 2014By Ascher RobbinsIn Music, Shows
In modern music, true musicianship, true composition, has largely gone by the wayside. Relatable lyrics, power chords, and computer-automated sheen has become the norm. However, there exist several groups, generally categorized as “post-rock,” that continue to focus on the music – the real nuances and complexities of melody, progression, and instrumentation – to create sonic soundscapes that allow a listener to truly lose themselves in the sound and the environment it creates. Perhaps the best known band in the genre is Austin’s Explosions in the Sky, who have found breakthrough
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