Haven’t you guys heard!? Nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence leaked yesterday! And while this development certainly hurts her wifeability ratings (which I’ve previously discussed), such happenings bring excitement and happiness to men worldwide. God bless you, J-Law. So, relatedly, I’ve been thinking about which celebrities I still would really like to see naked – celebrities who haven’t provided us with nude scenes OR leaked photos (how selfish). Here’s what I came up with: #10: Sarah Palin …Hate her as a politician, don’t like her as a human being. But
Read MoreMy first and only time as a figure model prompted a disapproving, “You’re better than this,” text from my mother with a warning about ruining my reputation. But it was much classier than that. It was life modeling. I was Rose and they were my Jacks, all 7 of them, drawing me like their French girls. I dropped my towel on the small stage and it was like a public humiliation dream come true, except I wasn’t embarrassed. I only got embarrassed when I thought about what would
Read MorePosted On March 4, 2014By Matthew WalshIn Television
Bare with me and we’ll get to the butts soon, I promise. First, let’s get somewhat educational, but not too much. The content provided by television has long adhered to rules, regulations, and procedures, both political and corporate in their design. These rules and regulations I speak of served the general purpose of censoring out what was considered culturally “obscene” or “indecent” to the American Public, today we know it all as the FCC. In laymen’s term’s (and because I just want to), these regulations worked to ensure that the
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