Nomad Tag

There are some people (mainly employers) who are desperate to stick to the old ways of office work, but the truth is that remote work is here to stay. The best way to battle this conflict of interest is to go with the flow and embrace flexibility–workers who want to work remotely can do so if they want, and they will be able to do it super well. If you yourself love the nomadic lifestyle and want to try it out, but are not sure about sacrificing your stability andRead More

Posted On August 17, 2014By Julia FuinoIn Girlzone, Lifestyle, Miscellaneous

Tales of a NYC Couch Surfer

Borough to borough, couch to couch, this story is almost a rite of passage for any and all making the transition from small town to big city. I know, I know, it’s nothing new and you’ve heard it before. Upon my telling of the plans I had to become a sort of nomad to friends and family, I received a lot of concerned, confused, and utterly annoyed looks. “You’re not going to survive, you know that.” Here’s the deal: you can survive, 100% cardboard-box-house prototype-free with a little bit ofRead More