When Brett Kavanaugh is (almost certainly) granted his spot on the bench of the highest court in the land this Saturday, it will represent yet another un-probed depth of the American political system – one level below the last false bottom that we assured ourselves was the floor. Whether you believe the words of Judge Kavanaugh, Dr. Blasey-Ford, both, or neither, we can all agree that the events of the last week have been an ugly reminder about the political climate in which we live in 2018. Even leaving aside
Read MoreAfter months of hype, rumors, mudslinging, and conjecture… we are only at the starting line. But at least we finally know who our two major party candidates will be. So what’s next? A lot more chatter and hype. But eventually we WILL arrive at our first presidential debate. So in preparation for that epic September night, here is the official Trump/Clinton drinking game to get you through proceedings. Take ONE shot EVERY TIME the following occurs: – Hillary coughs or shows signs of illness – Trump mentions his wealth –
Read MoreI recently went to Six Flags Magic Mountain with my brother-in-law on a whim. Upon walking through security by the entrance plaza, I saw a scene all-too-familiar within high capacity events: long bathroom lines. Typically, the line for the men’s room is nothing to fret about. The line moves relatively quickly and one can get their business done without too much of a hassle. Popular culture has indicated to us that women use the restroom for much more than simple paperwork, if you catch my drift. For women, the restroom
Read MoreIn the age of virtual reality, it’s never been easier to avoid actual reality. It’s acceptable now to send digital messages over speaking face-to-face, to surf your phone while out on a date, and to wear earphones in both ears while driving (this one bothers me the most for some reason). But there’s a centuries old practice which still remains the most effective way to produce and cultivate relationships. Going out for beers. It’s simple, yet often overlooked. Having beers is a social convention that dissolves all differences and brings
Read More I’m a huge fan of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. In my opinion, it’s the funniest show on television, and there ain’t a close second. Watching the escapades of a group of sociopaths who run a bar – a motley crew known as “the Gang” – provides a dark sort of comedy that stands out from most laugh-tracked garbage that cable channels try to pass off as humor. It’s no coincidence that in watching the last few weeks of turmoil unfold at the University of Missouri and Yale University, I’m reminded
Read MoreDear Friends and Family, There is no easy way to share this with you. Lately, I have not been feeling myself. I have continually thought to myself, “Something doesn’t feel right.” I feel like I am in a constant state of denial. I sense that there is a hole in my heart, but no matter what I do, I remain incapable of filling it. Every day, I go on pretending like nothing is wrong. People stop and ask me how I am doing, and though I may return with a
Read MoreI read this article recently about some CEO lady who basically went on a rant on why Hillary Clinton, and well, women in general were not MEANT to be President. Their biological physiology does not align well with the job because you know…those damn hormones. Oh and also the Bible says so. Yeah, I know, I couldn’t find the verse either. As women, we can run households, schools, hospitals, entire corporations even, but we CANNOT and SHOULD NOT run the country (or apparently a church, for that matter…), because who
Read MoreI am not a doctor. I do not hold a PhD. I am not writing this from a research lab strewn with papers on the subject I am (sort of) going to discuss. I am a 23-year-old creative writing graduate that lives with her parents. I am currently student teaching high school English. And I am writing from this bed where my clean clothes still lie in a pile (and will probably never be put away because that’s just how I roll). I have no authority on this matter and
Read MoreFirst, step back and realize how totally insane the events in Paris have become. Take a deep breath and exit Tweetdeck. Close your Facebook tab on Chrome. Now wander over to the window and look outside. Notice how unless you’re in Paris, nothing has changed. Anything still sitting with you? The frustration and anger you feel toward someone thousands of miles away murdering a couple of satirical cartoonists is justified. Don’t feel anything? No worries, I’m not going to hound you about it. The reactions to the Charlie Hebdo shooting,
Read MoreHey Brian! How’s it going man? Still rocking that 8th grade haircut? So I was recently watching The Daily Show when I saw a brief clip of what you said to Jon Stewart (http://youtu.be/9To_NyVryxM), and boy, Jon is right. Giving you the benefit of the doubt, maybe it’s just the lying (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/erik-wemple/wp/2014/07/08/punditfact-scorecards-show-false-statements-on-fox-news-nbcmsnbc/), horrible news network you work for and their destructive culture that has got you saying things so petty. I mean, I can’t believe you really support eugenics (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/07/20/brian-kilmeade-apologizes_n_241135.html). Maybe being on TV everyday and having to just keep
Read MoreYou’ve seen it everywhere lately. Unless you’ve been hiding under an incredibly immense boulder, you’re aware what’s going on in Ferguson, Missouri. You’re aware what’s going on in New York City. You’re aware that widespread protests, riots, and general civil unrest are permeating the streets of American cities and towns from coast to coast. You know the material facts – that two unarmed black men are dead, killed by police officers. You know that there are two sides to the issue – one side defending the police officers’ actions as
Read MoreMan, honestly, Obama has done so much good for this country that I think he should get another term! Just kidding, the truth is I know less about politics than I know about thermonuclear biochemistry, which I’m not even sure is an actual thing, to put that into perspective. I am just a distracted teenager who couldn’t care less about who actually runs the country. I’m too concerned about not failing my classes and making it home on Saturday nights, and besides, my voice isn’t being heard anyway. However, I
Read MoreI’d been working for two weeks straight and it was my day off so I was a little apprehensive when my housemate suggested we go see a movie called Gone Girl. I was totally unaware of this movie, hadn’t seen any trailers. Somehow it was totally off my radar. “Gone Girl?” I thought, “Why are we going to see a chick flick?” Looking ahead at a day of playing Borderlands and not wearing pants, I thought that I may as well schedule some time to stretch my legs and
Read MoreSo, two nights ago, I saw a movie I’d been wanting to see for quite some time – Gone Girl. Having never previously read the book upon which the film is based, my enthusiasm came from my appreciation for director David Fincher and the enticing previews I had seen. First things first: the film was fantastic. I recommend that each and every one of you go see it ASAP. But now, a few days removed from roller coaster that is Gone Girl, I’ve found myself thinking a lot about the movie as a commentary
Read MoreIn America, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and along the way the once cherished American middle class got stuffed. According the ALF-CIO, America sees one of the largest CEO to average worker income gaps in the world with American CEOs pocketing more than $12 million annually while the average American worker brings in just over $34 thousand annually. Add the fractions, carry the 1 and you have a pay rate difference of astronomical proportions – the average American CEO, in 2012, made around 202.3 times more
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