No one really told us what adulthood would be like when it came time to face the music. If they did, maybe I envisioned it differently, or I just wasn’t paying attention because I was too busy dreaming about my Carrie Bradshaw closet. My friends will be the first to tell you that I believe aging is a gift and I love getting older, but at the same time, being an adult can be really annoying and lame too. But, in order to get where you want to be in
Read MoreAll your friends are getting married Bills Committed relationship (with your student loans) Debt Exploring and traveling Fading out of old friendships Grocery shopping for one Hangovers Interviews Juggling multiple part-time jobs with your fancy college degree Keeping in touch with friends that are worth it Learning how to pretend Morning-after pills New cities, new people One-night stands Pizza for breakfast, lunch, and dinner Quitting jobs that don’t deserve you Realizing how cool your family is Scheduling your own appointments Taxes Unemployment Villainous bosses Whiskey is the new vodka cranberry
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