Since I’m going to be one of many that are posting about Robin Williams over the next couple days, I’ll let you read other articles to find out about his life, his work, and his influence on the world around him. He was obviously an awesome human being and one of the funniest to ever live. His comedy was on another level, and truly something that nobody else has been able to emulate. He was a unique individual, and had the ability to make anything into a funny situation. I
Read MorePhilip Seymour Hoffman overdosed on something that he loved, or at least couldn’t live without. This is a list of things that I think I love enough (or at least, if introduced to, couldn’t go without) to overdose on. Root Beer You don’t need an ID to purchase it and it goes great with every meal… Root Beer truly is the swing-man of the beverage world. What kid hasn’t pretended to get drunk off of IBC? Now imagine drowning yourself in a pool of it. Commence the salivating.
Read MoreHere are the last written words from some of history’s notable people, taken directly from their suicide notes. #1 – Hunter S. Thompson; Method: Gunshot to the head #2 – Kurt Cobain; Method: Shotgun to the head To Boddah Speaking from the tongue of an experienced simpleton who obviously would rather be an emasculated, infantile complain-ee. This note should be pretty easy to understand. All the warnings from the punk rock 101 courses over the years, since my first introduction to the, shall we say, ethics involved with independence and the
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