Tattoo Tag

elephant with suitcase
Circus Elephants Run For It Earlier this week, three elephants escaped the circus in search of a better life. The creatures were fed up with low wages and long hours, so they packed their bags and made a run for it like jail birds. The elephants damaged several cars as well as the circus venue door, but they sadly didn’t make it very far, as they were quickly captured in the parking lot. The handlers claim the elephants are now comfortably resting in their cages. Yeah right. You know theyRead More
My last post might have gotten you started on some thoughts for piercings, maybe in addition to my previous musings on tattoos. Hopefully I’ve shed some light on the deal-io with common body modifications and I didn’t send you running. That part about infections was pretty fucking gnarly, though. Anyway, today I aim to poke into some more touchy areas (see what I did there?). Incidentally, do you think I use parentheses too much? Unlike tattoos, you get second-chances with piercings. You can always take them out. Here is oneRead More

Posted On February 21, 2014By Brian WrayIn Advice For Men, Manzone

Finding Your Favorite ‘Stick’

There was a point during Joe DiMaggio’s 56 game hitting streak when somebody stole his lucky bat. Joe and his fans were devastated. How would he be able to continue? The magic was inevitably gone for Joe. Well, luckily the thief returned the bat the following day (not sure why, can you say eBay?), and Joe’s streak continued for a bit longer. But it makes you wonder, what was so magical about that bat? The answer? Everything, for Joe. They say a good tennis racquet should feel like an extensionRead More
Let’s face it: tattoos are in. You’re not about to make a shocking counter-culture statement with a Sailor Jerry swallow on your forearm. But that’s not to say you shouldn’t get one – tats are part of the modern zeitgeist. The long journey of body mods (which can easily become your internet rabbit-hole for the day) goes from ritual, to exotic, to deviant, to mainstream, and has culminated in this glorious blank canvas of possibility for the current generation of Millennials to splatter their lives all over. As I reflectRead More