All posts by Julia Fuino

Julia is a writer for Writtalin who has recently changed her location from NC to NYC, where she is currently exploring her talents in couch surfing and drinking copious amounts of caffeine. Follow her @julesandjava, or catch her latest posts on sex, relationships, and recipes made from that one time she actually had a kitchen, at

Posted On August 30, 2014By Julia FuinoIn Girlzone, Lifestyle

36 Signs That You Were in a Sorority

For all of those either currently in, or recently graduated from all that is Greek, you might relate to a few of these. Also feel free to hate mail me if you disagree.     1. You immediately get defensive when you hear the question, “So you pay for your friends?” And you probably respond with something like, “So you pay for cover?”   2. You have at least three iTunes playlists with titles like, “Pregame,” “Rager,” “Darty-ing,” and “Amurrica.”   3. You’re comfortable with putting things in Greek alphabeticalRead More

Posted On August 17, 2014By Julia FuinoIn Girlzone, Lifestyle, Miscellaneous

Tales of a NYC Couch Surfer

Borough to borough, couch to couch, this story is almost a rite of passage for any and all making the transition from small town to big city. I know, I know, it’s nothing new and you’ve heard it before. Upon my telling of the plans I had to become a sort of nomad to friends and family, I received a lot of concerned, confused, and utterly annoyed looks. “You’re not going to survive, you know that.” Here’s the deal: you can survive, 100% cardboard-box-house prototype-free with a little bit ofRead More

Posted On August 5, 2014By Julia FuinoIn Food and Drink For Women, Girlzone, Rants

How to Piss off a Barista

When you open the door, you’re welcomed with a cool jazz number, the overwhelming aroma of the daily brew, and the enticement of little french pastries that cost close to minimum wage. Ah, Starbucks. I spent six years calling out names, multi-tasking drink orders, donning the green apron, and being considered “stupid in three different languages.” (Thank you, everyone who finds that joke to be original.) My time as a barista with the company was nothing short of rewarding, as I was able to make solid friendships and learn theRead More