People love to tell you how to live your life. Given the chance, most everyone jumps at the opportunity to provide an endless supply of advice out of their own life manual. Telling you what they would do, pausing only to pass judgment on your latest decision, then quickly back to campaigning their next “If I were you” epiphany. The thing is, life is hard, we all need help at one point or another so we listen to the perceived wisdom of those around us. To make an unpopular decision
Read MoreNow, before I make a complete ass out of myself, I’d like to take the time to apologize for what I’ve just written. After too many beers and far too little common sense, my watching of the Miss America Pageant became much more than a planned Sunday of inactivity. With stupidity at an all time high, I felt the need to support the feminist movement in the wake of the controversy surrounding the newly crowned Miss America which was probably the dumbest thing I could have done. Nevertheless, I am
Read MorePosted On June 6, 2014By Matt "Dotty" DotterweichIn Miscellaneous
A Self-Help Essay By Dotty Getting robbed is a scary thing and your first reaction is to comply with everything your assailant is demanding. I believe all of us who have been a victim of robbery in a foreign country can relate. In the moments afterward you feel helpless, victimized, and are discouraged by thoughts of having to continue. I vowed from that day forward, if I was ever robbed again, I would be in-control of the situation. Therefore, after months of research, I came up with a method that
Read MoreHumans, as a species, are so unbelievably different from one another. Each of us is unique, so much so that we can never predict how any one person will react in a given situation. Now, some might say that this doesn’t mean anything but I’m starting to think it might. Life and Death Every living thing on Earth makes decisions based upon instinct. Humans have evolved to the point that our “instinct” is no longer our sole reasoning to the choices we make. We are consciously aware that, one
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