Shauna Sexton is our CoverGirl for December 2014. This Virginian vixen is the perfect lady to close out 2014; after all, we have to end the year on a high note.
Read on to find out a little more about this gorgeous girl; maybe you can even help fulfill some of her wishes for Christmas this year! And, of course, we have some photos you might be interested in. Needless to say, all you’ll want for Christmas is Shauna.
As always, make sure to follow Shauna on Instagram and Twitter to see even more of this brunette beauty!
-Shauna Sexton-
Height? 5’8.5″
Weight? 130
Natural Hair Color? Brown.
Measurements? 34-26-36
Single or Taken? Forever single
How would you pick yourself up at a bar? I’m really not one to pay any attention to a guy whose trying to hit on me completely annihilated…. But if you throw out a corny pickup line or something to make me laugh (followed by a shot of Jack) there is mild potential for a conversation.
What do you want for Christmas this year? In the mood for a 1,000,000$ check and a 6′ tattooed, hilarious, intelligent, ripped, bacon loving stallion. Oh, and another back up one incase that doesn’t work out (likely). Thanks Santa 😉
Favorite winter activity? Hibernation.
Ski, snowboard, or neither? I used to live in Colorado, and surprisingly, I’ve never tried skiing – so I’ll have to say, from a bias standpoint, snowboarding.
Tell us something most people don’t know about you: Contrary to popular belief I actually do have a heart. Also, I can write pretty well.
Tell us what YOU think your best quality is, physical or otherwise. My kankles.
Ideal first date: I’m laid back so really anything goes, but you can never go wrong with a few drinks and good music.
Nothing is sexier than a man that can ____________ (fill in the blank): Make me laugh or have an intellectual conversation.
Alcoholic beverage of choice? Whiskey and ginger.
One thing you could never do without: Flaming Hot Cheetos.
Favorite holiday: Halloween – the only holiday I can stand.
What is your guiltiest pleasure? I should say something cliche and white-girly like “half baked ice cream” or “Starbucks with my sparkly Uggs” but if we’re being completely honest here, I’m going to have to go with dancing mad corny to 2000s hip hop while making really creepy facial expressions.
Favorite memory from 2014: When I found out the guy I was dating was gay while tripping balls on acid.
And now for some photos!
Photo by Ron Dressel
Photo by Ron Dressel
Photo by Brandon Powell
Photo by Brandon Powell
Photo by Marcus Hyde
Photo by Ron Dressel
See you in 2015 for another year of beautiful women on Writtalin!
Tags : 2014, Beauty, CoverGirl of the Month, december, december 2014, featured, Girl of the Month, girls, GOTM, hot, Hot Girls, Manzone, miss december, Models, Sex, sexy, Sexy Girls, Shauna Sexton, Winter
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