I asked for the moon and you came back with the galaxy. When one boy said he didn’t love me anymore, you said you would never stop. You taught me that donuts are the only way to start a Saturday morning (or any morning) and that cigars can be smoked in times of celebration or sorrow. And when Mommy parted this world too soon, you stepped in to take over as Mr. Mom. I view the world with hope in my eyes and faith in my heart because of you, Daddy.
Boys are such a funny topic when it comes to Dad’s and daughters. I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve been dumped, and magically you always knew what to say for every break up. “He’s an idiot,” or “It’s his loss,” were usually in your monologue, but you always reassured me that the guy that gets to call me his one and only will be the luckiest man in the world. I whole-heartedly believe that now, and I will never settle for less than what I deserve in a man because of you. Thank you, Dad.
You’re still madly in love with Mommy, even though she became an angel far too soon. You always told your daughters to never “keep a candle in the window” for someone, but I see why you do for her. She was special. Your marriage was pure and raw with emotions. Because of that, your daughters now saw marriage vows personified. I consider us lucky to have seen such a beautiful display of affection between the two of you until the very last day.
I asked all the questions a daughter fathom: “How do I look?” “Will someone love me the way you loved Mommy?” “Do you believe in Heaven?” “Why are donuts so good?” You always had the perfect answer: “You look beautiful, sweetheart.” “The guy who gets you will be the luckiest man in the world, baby doll.” “I believe in Heaven because I like to think Mommy is smiling down on us.” “Donuts are good just because they are.” And just like that, I stopped wondering about those topics, because a Dad just knows…
The world can be a cruel place, and luckily I am one of the fortunate girls to have a dad that alleviates the pain. “I love you always unconditionally. What will be will be.” A simple email sent from my Daddy, and all that needed to be said that time. Happy Fathers’ Day, Dad- you deserve one day out of the year after dealing with two daughters for years. Cheers to you and all the men out there who aren’t just fathers, but have the privilege of calling themselves a Dad.
Tags : Child, Father's Day, featured, Girlzone, Growing Up, life, Miscellaneous, opinion, Parent, women
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