women Tag

When it comes to professional growth and empowerment, finding the right environment is key. The United States, a mosaic of cultures and opportunities, offers a variety of cities beyond the usual suspects like New York or San Francisco, where women can thrive professionally.  Even if there have been advancements in the area of gender equality in the workplace, female professionals and entrepreneurs still face a maze of particular difficulties. One of the most prevalent problems is financial access; firms run by women frequently obtain a smaller percentage of investment thanRead More
I would like to share something that happened to me on Facebook earlier this week, and no, it had nothing to do with cat videos or a political yelling match. Monday afternoon I came across this piece in Gizmodo. For the “too long, didn’t read” crowd, it is a case study in Facebook’s community standards. User Erin La Ninfa, who runs the blog “Just Another White Hoe,” created and posted the above image to Facebook to find that she and the friends who shared it were flagged and the imageRead More
May 5: Labels This isn’t a terribly original idea, I ‘m afraid, but recent circumstances have caused me to realize how exceptionally convenient it would be if males came with labels. By labels, I specifically and exactly mean a small stamp on the back of their furry little necks, or measly muscled calves, that summarized, in one word or phrase, the most critical information regarding their personality and/or damaging characteristics (physical and non) to any glimpse of a relationship. For example, if one of these males was staggeringly, emotionally unavailable in that dating him was like dating a scarecrow,Read More
It’s a little known fact that when I was graduating high school, I was also getting my PhD in life. So here it is, for your viewing pleasure– what your (leg) shaving style says about you!   Standing, one leg propped on the shelf First of all, what the fuck is wrong with you? Do you want to slip on the wet tile and fall and HACK YOUR LEG TO SHREDS? What if you slice open a vein while you’re trying to get that Gilette-promised close shave? You probably alsoRead More
Recently, I cut off my medium length blonde hair to an overgrown pixie. It’s short enough where hair ties mean nothing to me anymore, but long enough where you can’t quite see my skull yet. This wasn’t some radical act I did in light of a breakup or in protest for veganism, gender identity, or Bernie Sanders, or anything. I just didn’t like my hair. And it turned out great! It’s the shortest I’ve ever had it and I absolutely love it. It’s fun to wake up every morning andRead More

Posted On June 8, 2015By Jackie RodriguezIn Advice For Women, Girlzone

Ignore Them

People are people are people. They say things they don’t mean, they write “heartfelt” expressions of affection they don’t ever want you to fulfill, but they always, always, blame you when the expressions of affection are fulfilled, and it usually just leads to sad people everywhere and annoyed people in between. People are people are people, but why do the rest of us have to pay for the insensitivities of most? You know someone like this. These insensitive people show their faces around the end of things. They’ve been onRead More

Posted On April 21, 2015By Kelli JohnsonIn Politics, Rants, The Scene, Up For Debate

Women Were NOT Meant to be President

I read this article recently about some CEO lady who basically went on a rant on why Hillary Clinton, and well, women in general were not MEANT to be President. Their biological physiology does not align well with the job because you know…those damn hormones. Oh and also the Bible says so. Yeah, I know, I couldn’t find the verse either. As women, we can run households, schools, hospitals, entire corporations even, but we CANNOT and SHOULD NOT run the country (or apparently a church, for that matter…), because whoRead More
I am in a transition phase. One where I’m not single, but I’m not in a relationship either. This means that I do not want a boyfriend, or someone exclusive, or a relationship for a long, long time. I am at that point in my life where I actually need to focus on me. I barely came out of my last relationship in one piece so I need to work on putting myself back together, and figuring out who I am. It is for this reason, and this reason only,Read More

Posted On December 22, 2014By Kelli JohnsonIn The Scene, Up For Debate

Miss World Cancels Swimsuit Portion, Oh My!

Let me preface this by saying that I have no issue with beauty pageants…or whatever the politically correct people of the Internet want to call them. If you’re beautiful with a rockin’ bod, hats off to you, my friend! However, I do take an issue with the fact that we are still pretending these beauty pageants are anything more than beauty pageants. Yes, these women are philanthropists and scholars and diplomats and general do-gooders. But first and foremost, they are beautiful. They are beautiful women, who are ALSO those otherRead More

Posted On December 6, 2014By Elin Van AttaIn Buzzworthy, Lifestyle, The Scene

10 Things I Learned in Sex Class

For the past 15 Monday nights, I have been expanding my knowledge on human sexuality.  With my semester coming to a close, I can’t help but reflect on what I have learned.  Ladies and gentlemen, let’s talk about sex.   1.  You can blow a condom into a balloon. “Don’t miss class next week.  I guarantee you will do something in a classroom that you have never done before.”  My professor has a flair for the dramatic, but he wasn’t joking.  Have you ever walked in on your teacher withRead More

Posted On November 25, 2014By Brian WrayIn Advice For Men, Manzone

5 Surprises To Keep Her Interested

Whether you’ve dated for two years or two months, there is always a need to reestablish the bond with your girlfriend. So here are 5 things you can do to entice her at any moment…   5. Call Her Unexpectedly Yes, I’m saying CALL her. Not text. Reason? A phone call is so much more personal. It shows her that you want to hear her voice. Trust me, she will really appreciate that. She may be having a bad day and want to hear your voice anyway, so let her.Read More
As a young female professional who’s had a full time job for about four months now, I think I’m mostly qualified to write this article. Which, judging by the way the business world works, should mean I can probably manage to pull it off. There are a few basic struggles I think pretty much all of my 20-to-30-something female peers working in an office environment can relate to. Correct me if I’m wrong.     1. Older professionals thinking you’re clueless Nothing is more annoying than having a more ‘experienced’Read More

Posted On November 19, 2014By Kelli JohnsonIn Girlzone, Lifestyle

Resting Baby Face

I’ve heard many personal accounts from friends who suffer from the frequently talked-about, “Resting Bitch Face.” These friends are sick and tired of people asking them, “What’s wrong?” and telling them they need to smile more. They can’t help that their face invokes fear into every fiber of random onlookers’ being – they were just made that way. And while I can try to sympathize, I can’t say that I really understand what that’s like. Because while they’re trying to stop people from assuming they are habitually pissed off, I’mRead More

Posted On November 18, 2014By Kelsey DarlingIn Girlzone, Lifestyle

Womanhood: 3 Truths and a Lie

Wearing a bra is more exhausting than wearing pants. Yes, they are necessary and eventually become a regular way of life, but you have to realize we go through training for that shit.  And it is both exciting and horribly embarrassing at the same time.  The extreme blush of buying your first bra with your mother, the shy confidence that comes from having your bra strap snapped by the boys at recess–bra training really drains your emotions!  Now I wonder why I was ever excited about training for this perma-seatbeltRead More

Posted On November 3, 2014By Ascher RobbinsIn Dating For Men, Manzone

On “Playing Hard to Get”

Alright, men. I’m here to set the record straight; to tell you not to listen to everything you read on the Internet (well, you should listen to this article, but I digress…). I have seen far, far too many articles posted online advising men that the way to win a woman’s heart is to “play hard to get;” to be unavailable and enigmatic; to seem distant and disinterested. But I’m here to tell you that, quite frankly, a lot of that advice is total – for lack of a moreRead More