1. Throw an awesome pool party with all of your closest friends
Sun, water, friends, and good vibes, it does not get any better. Check out this awesome playlist to get the party started.
2. Get a decent tan
3. Find a song that will always take you back to the Summer of 2014
A work in progress playlist, still haven’t picked out my song yet.
4. Summerlovin’
5. Take a trip or two to visit your friends,
On a budget? Aren’t we all? Check out these awesome budget-friendly travel tips.
6. Show a tourist a good time in your city
There is nothing more rewarding than seeing someone fall in love with the city you love! Plus, it’s always good Karma, you never know who will one day show you around when you’re traveling. #travelinkindness is the motto.
7. Attend a Summer Music Festival
Travel AND music? Sign me up! There’s nothing like people coming together for the love of music, check out Rolling Stone’s Summer 2014 Must-See Music Festivals.
8. Take part in the World Cup Fever
Take part in this worldwide celebration! Just don’t go biting anyone…
9. Go on a crazy summer body diet, binge on ice cream later
10. Rock a teenie, tiny bikini with confidence
All it takes to have a bikini body is to put a body in a bikini. Still not sure if you’re bikini ready? This chart might help!
11. Watch the sunset with a potential love interest
Barf, I know. It could be kind of cute though..
12. Watch the sunrise after a crazy night out with your friends
Because the best nights are the ones that end up with outdoor after parties that last till 7am!
13. Make the perfect summer cocktail
14. Learn how to grill
Food and liquor, you gotta have them both.
15. Forget all Springtime grudges
With every season, people change. Out with the old and in with the new. This summer, let go of the bad vibes of the past.
16. Take a dip with all your clothes on
This might be voluntary or not. There’s always that asshole friend that ends up pushing you into the pool. As long as your precious smartphone doesn’t take a dip as well, laugh it off and enjoy yourself!
17. Swim in the rain
There’s nothing quite like being in a warm pool with the cold rain. Take precautions, of course.
18. Go skinny dipping
I guess this is on everyone’s life bucket list – care to try and make it happen this summer?
19. Have an unforgettable girls night out
Taking off with a boy at the end of the night is NOT allowed.
20. Go on a Tinder date
Regret that decision immediately after.
21. Spend an entire weekend all by yourself and enjoy your own company
Treat yo’self.
Tags : 20somethings, blogs, bucket list, cocktails, featured, Fun, Girlzone, millenials, Music Festivals, Party, summer, summer music festivals, summertime, Travel, travelinkindness
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