Knowing that I would be undergoing rotator cuff surgery was frightening enough, but having to worry about what to do during my time off was a stress I did not expect. I was a little nervous and apprehensive, thinking of friends and colleagues of mine who complained of post-surgical blues when they had to take their own medical leave. This is in part due to normalizing a life of going at 100 mph (including holding a full-time job, attending to a family, countless other activities and obligations), and then abruptly slowing down
Read More1. Throw an awesome pool party with all of your closest friends Sun, water, friends, and good vibes, it does not get any better. Check out this awesome playlist to get the party started. 2. Get a decent tan 3. Find a song that will always take you back to the Summer of 2014 A work in progress playlist, still haven’t picked out my song yet. 4. Summerlovin’ 5. Take a trip or two to visit your friends, On a budget? Aren’t we all? Check out these awesome budget-friendly travel
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