It’s practically summertime (technically the calendar says June 21st but we all know the second the thermometer broke 60 it was officially summer), the weather’s heating up, and there’s nothing better than cooling down with a great drink.
Now, I don’t know about you guys, but when I think “summer,” the first liquor that comes to mind is rum. Think about it: it’s in pina coladas, daquiris, mojitos, if it’s cold and refreshing, chances are it’s got rum in it. Yep, rum is definitely the go-to summertime liquor.
Enter: the Captain Morgan 1671 Commemorative Blend. It’s like the Captain Morgan we all know and love, except for one, it’s a little sweeter; it’s sweetened with aromas of dried fruits like apricots and raisins. Two, it’s richer; you can taste the undertones of chocolate and dark fruits in it, and the aftertaste (or in fancy terms, “finish”) is smooth and tastes like vanilla.
Since it’s so rich, the 1671 Commemorative Blend tastes great on its own, over ice. But if you love mixed drinks like I do, mix it with Coke for a more luxurious-feeling twist on an old favorite (that would be Rum & Coke).
I would also personally recommend using the 1671 Commemorative Blend in a Dark & Stormy by mixing with with ginger beer to complement the fuller flavor of the rum. It’s tasty without being too sweet, not to mention it feels classy and sophisticated (“Dark and Stormy” just sounds so much fancier than “Rum and Coke”) but it’s easy to make.
That’s all I’ve got for now. If anyone needs me, I’ll be on a nice porch somewhere, or at the beach (provided that’s allowed), or poolside, anywhere outdoors really, with my 1671 Commemorative Blend. See you all there–if you’re over 21, that is. If not, well, now you’ve got something else to look forward to.
Tags : 1671 Commemorative Blend, Booze, Captain Morgan, Drunk, Food and Drink, food and drink for men, food and drink for women, Liquor, Manzone, Party, review, rum, summer
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