So, I live in Atlanta and if you don’t know, the weather here is a fucking joke. As in, “Today will be a low of 30 degrees and a high of 75.” That’s not even an exaggeration, that was the weather report two days ago. Which means I start off many a morning like, “WTF am I supposed to wear? Do I dress for winter or summer? Hellllpppp!!!”
Unfortunately I’m not in elementary school and can’t just ask my mom what I should wear. Thankfully, my friend told me about this app called Swackett, which gives you outfit suggestions based on the weather in your area. Now, while a good idea, this app is not my favorite because sometimes it will give you ridiculous suggestions like, “Oh, it’s 42 degrees today? Wear your powdered wig and colonial jacket with the gold-embroidered epaulettes.” Not sure if they’re trying to be funny, but whatever. The other half of the time, the outfit suggestions are kind of on the useless side, like “Wear a cool ski jacket and jeans.” Like thanks, but my choice in outwear has never been the problem and what am I supposed to do when I go inside?
In any case, today I logged onto the app for my daily dose of fashion advice I’m not going to take anyway, only to see this:
My first thought: What the actual fuck? This looks like some racist shit to me. Is it just me or are these women dressed like slaves, or at least hotel cleaning staff? Or am I the racist one for thinking that? You can’t see it in this screenshot but if you scrolled right you’d see two white ladies dressed in normal pink sundresses (you can kind of see part of one of said dresses in the corner. I didn’t take a screenshot of it, but I should have. So again I ask: why are the black ladies dressed like servants while the white ladies are dressed in everyday, non-servanty clothes?
I’ll let you guys decide if this is racist or not. Either way, I want an explanation on who at this app thought this was a good idea.
Tags : Apps, Clothing, dress, Issues, Miscellaneous, Random, rants, Smartphone, weather
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