How many angsty away messages were comprised of the lyrics to these classics? Dust off your Chuck Taylors and get ready to be rocked by some hardcore nostalgia. The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows – Brand New Brand New reigned the scene after Deja Entendu dropped. “Quiet Things” was the album’s lead single, followed by equally epic “Sic Tansit Gloria…Glory Fades.” Though both fantastic songs, the “Quiet Things” music video was one of the best of its time. Cute Without the “E” – Taking Back
Read MoreAs an artist, when people ask me about my influence and I say “Radiohead” they’ll either leave it at that – for fear of ensuing snobbery – or launch into a full on debate over the use of row boats in “Pyramid Song.” Appreciation surrounding the band is complex, but Radiohead’s my favorite band simply because no other group has made me appreciate music in such a meaningful way. It’s peculiar being a Radiohead fan, because we’re a marginal step away from a cult, and love to bicker at one another
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