EnterViews is Hilary’s weekly series with emerging artists via various forms of digital communication. Last week as I sat down at work, I did the first thing we all do—check Facebook. It was then that I saw a link from two New York friends. The site was StroudFunding. It was a cheerful looking thing, in blues, whites, and blacks, with the tagline “Changing the way Ian Stroud makes money.” In 2009, the current popular crowdfunding platform, Kickstarter, hit the streets of the internet. Soon, film students across the country would
Read MoreSince embarking on my career, I’ve gained somewhat of a reputation for myself as “that guy who’s reading instead of doing his job.” It’s true. While the grips are rigging and the director is doing a walkthrough with the actors, I often tuck myself into a corner somewhere and pop open a book. None of that Kindle nonsense either – I flip through page after page of properly bound, warm-scented paper, fresh from my latest Barnes & Noble excursion or pilfered from my friends’ bookcases. I’ll find myself so deep
Read MorePosted On March 19, 2014By Anthony KozlowskiIn Movies
Oh, Facebook. Thank God I have you to tell me what I want. Think of all the things I’d miss out on if I just stuck to Netflix reruns of Archer. When I logged on the other day, I found the typical slew of game and app suggestions accompanied by the usual “10 of your friends like this” tagline. I was just about to download Siege of Legends (or Legend of the Siege, I can’t remember which), when I stumbled upon an ad quite different from the cutesy FlappyBird ripoffs.
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