Posted On May 12, 2014By Caitlyn DavisIn Movies
So like usual I’m thinking about how terrible this Batman/Superman movie is going to be, and something hit me just now that made it even more depressing. Young people that watch this as their first Batman or Superman movie are going to walk away with their perspectives of these characters forever cemented in their minds. There will be children who in 15-20 years will say “Ben Affleck’s portrayal of Batman is the only true Batman”. It’s like we have a chance to stop young Hitler, and we’re just sitting here
Read MoreWhile I’m aware I’ll have to survive off fantasies of a world without texting, I know I can fight for one cause… Please, dear God, stop texting your boss. Why? Texting has already ruined every relationship in your life. Let’s go through a mental checklist: Lovers? Deleted your number awhile ago. Friends? Sick of the same stories. Parents? Don’t even call you anymore. You? It’s so over… (because you just killed yourself in a texting and driving accident) Did anyone text me? No. What about now? Hmm. Hmm. Hmmm. Oh now?
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