Another year, another beer. That’s what I always say, every day in fact. Don’t look at 2015 as just another year. Keep your eyes open and you may discover new riches that you never thought possible. Lucky for me, I found mine in November. Joining A Church Band Growing up, I was never an Atheist but I was hardly a religious boy. My parents never went to church and they never forced me to go, so I usually didn’t. In high school I began going and volunteering but
Read MoreI’ve decided to do a social experiment to see how much I have changed in the past decade. I’m 26, so I selected some things that were part of my life at 16 and still are now. Then I analyzed how I view or react to doing them. Getting a paycheck. 16: This is fucking awesome! $84 for stocking shelves and running a cash register! I knew this job would make me rich! I’m going to treat myself to some books, and then I’m going to give the rest
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