Rarely would I scroll to the bottom of an article to observe the mindless debauchery that occurs in the comment section. That is, until it was my own. Not too long ago, Thought Catalog published one of my articles, one that received several unwarranted and irrelevant comments. My initial shock wore off almost immediately, as I found them more comical than offensive. Kind of like watching an episode of Southpark, it’s so ridiculous that you can’t help but laugh. My personal favorite came from a commenter who identified himself as
Read MoreHas anyone else noticed a rise in angry, rude, and unnecessary comments online? Where there used to be likes, up votes, and encouraging comments there are now trolls and real angry words. What caused this shift, and why does it seem to be getting worse? Obviously some people’s mothers forgot to tell them that “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” Aside from missing life advice, there are five things that are definitely contributing to this wave, and there are surely others. 1. Newness
Read MoreIt’s tempting, the moment I see one of my articles has garnered some comments, to devour them up like a dieting white girl who’s finally made it to her cheat day. And I used to dot it, hesitantly, in the beginning. But what I quickly found (very, very quickly) was that reading comments just left me feeling a) annoyed b) defensive c) fed up with all of humanity and d) thankful for the one person, that lone hold out, who actually got it. Here’s some things I’ve noticed about the comment
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Posted On November 20, 2014By Lucy EnrightIn Internet, Rants
Attention Online Commenters: Instead Of Hating On Our Articles, Go Write One
Posted On July 21, 2014By Allison ShelbyIn Internet, The Scene
Why is Everyone on the Internet so Angry?
Posted On July 11, 2014By StaffIn Internet, The Scene
Things I’ve Noticed About Internet Commenters (Or, Why I Don’t Read The Comments)
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