Let me start off by saying this: not all girls are the same. There are those that do actually mature faster than everyone else like the science textbooks say, and those girls see that nice guys are actually way better than the alternative. There are those that break the rules and don’t just go for drama and seek attention. But they are not the norm, sadly. From what I’ve experienced, the majority of girls aged 15-25 prefer to be with a guy that will treat them like crap, cheat on
Read MoreLast time we met, I opened up this dialogue about never being in a relationship, how it’s a stigma, and why I am in this particular position. Today, I’d like to discuss a relationship phenomenon that is HUGE in our generation, and the bane of “unicorns” (late teens or twenty-something’s who have never been a relationship) everywhere: the friend zone. I’ve been there. You’ve been there. We’ve all been there. And it sucks. If you don’t know what I’m referring to, you should check your back for loose wiring,
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