Posted On December 5, 2014By Hunter SimmonsIn Movies
Kudos to AMC for adding those leather (pleather?) recliners I have come to love in my movie theater-going experience. The ticket markup, though excessive to the uninformed visitor, is negligible. Just make sure you eat a cheap meal before you visit, and you’re all set. However, I feel like I truly threw my money away with the latest Hunger Games installment. Was it a terrible movie? Nah, but yikes there was a ton of unnecessary footage in there. After some extensive* research on the book series, I learned that the actual
Read MoreThe 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi are under way, with gold medals and cultural misunderstandings a-flying. While these games have been off to a more… bizarre… start than others, they have fulfilled the usual requirements for the Olympics: weird Opening Ceremony outfits, civil rights breaches, and half-naked athletes. They also are the first games since The Hunger Games franchise has taken off, with two of three books converted into absurdly popular movies and a third on the way. As I watch the Sochi Olympics over a glass (read: bottle or
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